This time just a quick info. I just published library of KiCAD footprints that I made recently for my new project. The project itself has not been published yet and I want to keep it that way until I get first working prototype (what I hope will happen really soon). Meanwhile I am publishing this small library of footprints that I made for it with perspective of extending it in future with other hardware projects.
Still this is quite new topic for me as I have no electronics education, nor professional experience, so there is still a risk that I may fail at what I do and abandon such kind of projects. But for now, I just finished validation of footprints published here with a board that I ordered from JLCPCB, so you are guaranteed that they are fine (except one marked explicitly as such).
As usual the project is available at my Github profile (project kicad-randoms) with rather permissive license, so feel free to use them for whatever you want. I expect that most of the parts that I publish now are rather random things, so there is little chance somebody might need. However my criteria for the choice were parameters plus good price plus availability at LCSC, so who knows, maybe you are one of those, looking to quickly update your design with whatever is available to order in those weird days of component shortage (I haven’t heard of it affecting connector area, but who knows what the future brings).
Anyway, as I wrote, this is new topic for me, it would especially rewarding to hear feedback from you, if you used one of those, or even simple “thank you”. Maybe this will motivate me to create more such stuff in future.
Last but not least, here are some photos of a footprints on a board manufactured at JLCPCB.