So thing is that there is a lot of interesting map data provided by state institutions (at least here in Europe), but at the same time viewer that at least Polish Geoportal provides does not provide experience good enough for everyone (that is my personal opinion) and at the same time there exist cool Android app that is able to integrate many different map providers and for some reason include neither WMS, nor WMTS support. And these two are core of services like mentioned Geoportal and seems like a standard for GIS purposes. As this seemed to me like a nice, little and easy side project, I took an opportunity. What I did is basically a wrapper that takes format used by OSM (called Slippy Map) and generates WMS-compatible request under the hood. But as you, the user, are here, you probably are not interested that much in technical details, but rather seek a solution to the problem that I had. So, here it is.
Continue reading “Connecting WMS services to apps able to handle only OpenStreetMap format like OsmAnd Android app”